
Are you Curious to know?

Curious about curiosity.
What is curiosity? What defines it? What is it's purpose?
Why are we so curious?
The dictionary explains curiosity as the desire to learn or know about anything; inquisitiveness.
It is something that is rarely discussed, rarely mentioned, but experienced in our lives on a daily basis.
And who would have thought, that it has such a strong affect on us; not many seem to realize how much it drives our lives.
Everyone has been curious at least once in their lifetime. Starting from receiving presents and dying to know what was in them, to wondering about the future; Its such a big, broad, subject.
We tried to define it as an emotion, or a tool, but it still didn't fit into those categories.
We came up with the conclusion that curiosity is a Force. A strong, immeasurable force that affects the actions of people, that drives us, and makes us do unimaginable things.
Curiosity is so grand, it exists in almost every aspect of our lives. Our dreams, our questions, its there as we try to define the future, as we try to understand the present, as we explore the past. Curiosity drives us to new places, helps us grow in knowledge, helps us experience life on a deeper level.
If people weren't curious, life would be dull. We would be driven by nothing.
If we didn't desire to know, life would be made up of merely the present.
The past and future wouldn't affect our lives as greatly as they do.
People dedicate their lives to experiencing the past and the future, gaining knowledge about it.
People dedicate their lives to science; curious to know the outcomes of things; How did this become? How can we define it? What do we do with it?
Others, dedicate themselves to discovering. Driven by curiosity to find moments of the past, untouched places, and foreign lands.
We are always wondering, always seeking for something more than what we know or have.
We are always on the search for something bigger than ourselves.
Curiosity is a pathway to discovering something great.
Greatness could come in the image of light or darkness; greatness could be good, but also bad.
There could be evil so great it takes over a nation and turns it against God
There could also be good so great, that it could save millions of lives.
Curiosity, is something great, but it isn't necessarily always good.
Like many other things in life, curiosity has the ability to exist in both darkness and in light.
 Many times, it has led to trouble.
Remember that old myth about Pandora's box? Or our one and only Eve from the book of Genesis? She was driven by this force; desiring to know what would really happen when she bit into that apple.
But don't get discouraged. Just as often, curiosity has led to amazing results in life.
Scientists who are curious about the anatomy of a body have discovered cures for deadly diseases.
Benjamin Franklin consumed himself with the curiosity of inventing, and illuminated our lives.
Many amazing discoveries were made, all driven by curiously.
It is such a life changing force, and experiencing it, as well as being knowledgeable about it  is so life changing  so meaningful and impacting, but we were still driven by one more untouched question. We talked about what it has the ability to do, but we were still left with the question of why God even placed curiosity in our lives. What is it's purpose?...
 Here's what we were presented with in our concluding conversation....

When God created life, and the earth, and everything in it,
He created it all to be good.
And with that, curiosity was fully drenched in goodness, for a good purpose.
But the devil, has the ability to corrupt what is good, and he took advantage of this force to use it for his own works; it is a powerful thing in the devils hands.
As much as we don't realize it, he enslaved us with the curiosity of experiencing sin. We are always curious to experience what this world has to offer.
Just one puff, one drink, one peek.
Tempted by the force of curiosity, we want to KNOW, experience everything in life,
 no matter how bad it could be.
And with that, any curiosity that doesn't direct us to the discovery of God, directs us to sin.
And once we realized this, It suddenly became so clear that curiosity is there to navigate us to God.
Discovery, History, the Future; should all be directed to God.
Everything in nature points to God.
Any innovation, any result is there for us in order to experience God.
Unfortunately that doesn't mean that this is reality.
If people were to open their eyes to this truth, our curiosity to know God, could lead us to even greater truths, to farther destinations, and brighter futures.
But to our sadness this is a force that is misused so often,buried far from its soul purpose.
And as unfortunate as it sounds, we still know that not all hope is lost. We still have the ability to revive the goodness of this force.
We have to chose to un-bury it, and then let it drive us with the desire to discover God.
To discover God in all creation, In the past, the present, and the future.
Curiosity is Gods navigation that leads us to Himself, we just have to be careful not to misread the directions that it gives us.
Once we discover the strength of this force, we could use it to glorify our Creator in lengths that we couldn't imagine.
All we have to do is consume ourselves with the curiosity of knowing the one who placed it in our lives, and use it to its full potential. And then, when the times comes God will provide us with the answers, to any question. We just have to make the first move and find Him first.