
Its indescribable.

God's presence is indescribable. He reveals Himself to us in the most mysterious and astonishing ways.
He revealed Himself to Moses through a burning bush.
To the Israelite's as a pillar of cloud.
To pharaoh through the extremeness of the ten plagues.

Moses followed His order and saved a nation.
The Israelite's became His chosen ones.
and Pharaoh surrendered and let the people go.

Moses had his doubts, he sometimes questioned Gods motives.
The Israelite's saw the works of His mighty hand and still had days where they turned away from Him and chose not to trust Him, but they always kept running back to His lead.
Pharaoh felt the power and authority of God, he didn't deny His existence, but still chose to turn his back on Him and live by his own selfish desires.

God revealed Himself to the ones who obeyed Him
as much as to those who denied Him.
He WILL make sure that everyone experiences His existence
and then He leaves us with the choice to accept or deny it.

The story of Exodus is merely one example of Gods presence being revealed to the people.
In the old  testament, God revealed Himself through physical objects, visions, prophecies..
Today, He adds to that list as He reveals Himself through His Son,
and His word; His sword, "piercing even to the dividing of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and quick to discern the thoughts and intents of the heart." (Hebrews 4:12)

Aside from that, He reveals Himself to every single living individual on a more personal level.
Every person Has experienced God differently.
And only when we accept the Son, that is when our vision is no longer blurred, and becomes clear to the amazing way God works in our lives.
When you truly come across the mighty hand of God, when you clearly see his affect on your life; His love, mercy, grace, you also notice that the presence of God is something no one could really explain, and no one could really understand, unless they have experienced it. A phenomenon.
God is limitless to the ways we could experience the greatness of knowing Him
Simple experiences as much as extreme ones all come with the purpose of us becoming close to Him.
Knowing God isn't always easy, in fact knowing Him has more difficulty than the lives of those denying Him. But it is rewarding, and it is great to know that our lives are in His hands.

 God opened our eyes to many things as we discussed our topic for the week. As we talked about our encounters with God, we talked about all the answered prayers, about how God changes us on a daily basis, how He changes the people around us. We discussed some of the ways we feel most intimate with Him; the ways that He personally changes us. God reveals Himself to Andrey through the mighty mountains, the towering trees, the astonishing sunsets, powerful waters, creatures, plants, flowers: creation. Whenever it's Andrey and nature, it then becomes Andrey and God. When he is alone in the midst of nature he sees the hand of God and He experiences Him on a deep level. Nature has the ability to make us humans feel so small, and make God seem so great. Nature has the ability to heal; to quiet a soul, bring peace, serenity. It helps us see the artistic side of God. It can change the way a person experiences life, and God. Its amazing how creative God is; the world consists of a variety of climates, species, and geographical features. Even the deep deep depths of the sea are filled with astonishing creation. Its beautiful to see, that something as serene as nature can touch the heart of man, and connect him with His creator. I hope God puts many opportunities in our life together ,where we could encounter nature, so Andrey could help me experience God the way he experiences Him.

I feel most intimate with God in the early morning. The opportunity to live another day, to once again breathe, speak, think, and experience, is such a gift. When the world is still asleep, when all I hear is quietness and peace, that is when I hear and feel God the most. I invite Him for a morning cup of coffee, and feed my hungry heart with His word, filling myself for the day. Morning is when your mind is still clear and at ease, it hasn't encountered the busyness of the day yet, it hasn't had time come across sin yet. The cold morning chill on my face awakens me and clears my mind. As I drive to school, I drive in silence, but in constant conversation with my father. I could see Him through the morning colors, and the fog. Through the awakening of the day, and through peoples tired faces. Life is such a beautiful thing, and when my morning starts perfectly, my whole day then, is filled with the beauty of God. If my morning is rushed, then my whole day becomes a blur, chaos. God has given me the gift of mornings, the gift of His presence as I start my day.

These are just a few, of the many ways, one could experience God. But when I chose to let God into my heart, that was when I truly got the privilege to experience Him, now I can't imagine my life without Him. And the fact that so many people out there don't even want to imagine a life with God, don't want to know him, makes me sad, because they don't get to experience the fulfillment of knowing Him, and what He has to offer. I hope that everyone gets to experience God at least once in their lives. His love, comfort, saving grace, His power, strength, His mighty hand; I hope people will be so touched that they would have no words to describe it.

We aren't trying to convert anyone, or convict anyone.

All we are trying to say is God will reveal Himself to you someday, hopefully you could cherish this experience and not turn your back on it.
And although we are undeserving of it, we still experience Him everyday, and wouldn't want to lose this privilege for anything in the world. All we want, is to share this opportunity with others.

God says draw closer to Me and I will draw closer to you (James 4:8)
He isn't far away and He wants to reveal Himself to you, and all he asks of you is for the desire to know Him. If you desire fulfillment, and if you lack the presence of Love or something greater in life,
Remember that God is always waiting for you
All it takes is a simple gesture, all you need to do is accept what He has to offer.
Because once you take on that chance, your life will be amazingly changed forever.
Just like mine and Andreys were.