
"I hate mosquitoes they're stupid."

As the time comes when you have to part with this life on earth...if you had a moment to think about what you will miss the least about life on earth, what would those things be? What are the things that you will be happy to never go through again, or feel again. This was the random topic for our late night conversation and we couldn't have came up with a better conclusion. We first made lists of the first things that came into our head when answering the question. I gotta say...it was a very difficult task, and took a while. We went into depth for each answer and explained why we picked the things we said. Here is a little overview of what we came up with....

1 mosquitoes:there is nothing good about mosquitoes
2 getting into a cold car or waking up in a cold room
3 when burritos fall apart and you have to eat them with a knife and fork
4 long road trips through nothing... like Wyoming, the boredom factors are extreme.
5 job interviews, or talking to your boss (talk about tension.)
6 slow, or no internet connection
7 funerals and the fact that they have the worst atmosphere imaginable; tears, sadness, and loss.
8 bad morning breath; enough said.
9 being blinded while driving towards the sun
10 modern day rap music or country music (especially)
11 movies with talking animals
12 when clothes become small after the dryer
13 calling customer service lines or anything to do with customer service
14 itchy ears anticipation, how its so hard
15 moving or helping someone move
16 filling up my car (just draining money) how gas has become so expensive
17 bad movie sequels or bad movie experiences
18 holding in gas or when your stomach growls in a quiet place and everyone hears it
19  when babies cry
20  waiting for your food to be made or brought to you
21 the fact that the best things in life fly by (good moments) but the boring ones take forever.
22 anticipation; waiting for something is so hard.
23 fake people/ people who try to be someone they aren't /try too hard for someone
24 the fact that this world is cruel and that all the wrong people succeed and get what they want. (The good guys don't have the best life) And the good guy is often left out. The rich prosper by cheating, the powerful, abuse their power, the regular folks have almost no chance to prosper.
25 that our lives have a time limit for everything, and that our lives are on a countdown every single day.

1 writers block
2 getting fat from food; that fact that I could eat an apple and feel like i gained five pounds
3 snakes, my biggest fear ever, you should see me run.
4 tests in school; the stress, the disappointment, the nights of no sleep.
5 people with bad hygiene
6 terrible drivers; talk about road rage.
7 paying off bills and speeding tickets; just run your money down the drain why don't you.
8 washing off my makeup before i sleep; to tired to do it, and if i don't; its experiencing the agonizing presence of acne
9 job interviews (yes, its on here twice.) how many times have I gotten denied?
10 the painful feeling of tiredness; "must stay awake, must stay awake."
11 the fact that the best tasting food is the least healthy: chips, cookies, cake, ice cream, burgers, you name it.
12 seeing people in pain (I personally pass out.) But not only physical pain, emotional too.
13 making decisions; i'm a woman, decisions are the worst, there's always too much to choose from, you never want to make the wrong decision, they are just very difficult.
14 competition to get by in life/appearance is everything: the hot guy gets the girl, the man in the suit gets the job, the skinny pretty girl is treated nicer..do i need to go on?
15 how much lack of sleep affects your day, (we become easily annoyed, easily bored, easily hungry, easily off task, easily falling asleep on the job. We pretty much become human sloths.
16  and then, we waste so much time by sleeping. We only have 24hrs in a full day; 8 of which we spend sleeping=doing nothing.
17 disagreements/conflicts: there's just nothing good about them.
18 we are our own biggest rival/ the inner battle= self denial, self corruption. Our thoughts turn into actions, what we think, we become.
19 Seeing someone you love being so lost;: no acceptance of Christ, emptiness, addiction, it almost seems helpless.
20 the fact that self image is such a big issue/ due to media; The issues that girls have with self image is unimaginable; the outcomes of these issues are even worse.The standards of this world corrupt us and our vision.
21 power used for evil; satan, hitler, rape, slavery...etc.
22 taking things for granted, how we only learn to cherish the hard way; we only learn how much something means to us after we have lost it.
23 goodbyes; when someone parts from earth, when we lose a friend, living in two different parts of the state.
24 history decides our fate , the world is run on selfishness and pride (for instance; poverty in Africa, prosperity in America..we have enough resources to help those in need but for some reason we don't, history determines the wealth of a country, so does war.
25 regret: when our past haunts us in our thoughts.

We all have pet peeves, or those dreadful situations that we face everyday, unanswered questions, or struggles that just drive us crazy. But we keep on living, and we deal with them, and in the end, we often realize that no matter how many issues we have, life isn't all that bad.  You see, when God made our lives, He wanted us to enjoy them. He didn't create us so that we would suffer or be dissatisfied all the time, He created us to serve Him, to know Him, Love Him, and to share that love with others. The trials and difficulties that we face aren't in our lives so that we would suffer, they are there for us to realize that God is the only one we could rely on, that God is our only hope for a better life and a better future. The trials and difficulties that we face could never surpass how much He blesses us; He gives us so much to be thankful for. No matter how difficult life could be, and it gets difficult I tell ya, His good intentions for us always conquer. But, this is only when we give up all the negatives in our lives into His hands and let Him deal with them.  There is always a reason, and a positive outcome to everything, when God is involved. We realized this when we finished writing our lists. It was a difficult task and we took a while coming up with answers. And even though we came up with a list of reasonable matters; we came to the realization that each one, could have a bigger, better purpose or positive perspective to it. We noted that, instead of complaining about traffic, we could be thankful that we even have a car, and places to go to. Every goodbye, starts with a hello, a sinful person always has a chance to change, job interviews could end with us getting a new job, morning breath could easily be fixed with toothpaste and a toothbrush. So when we take a step back and look at everything negative from a positive perspective, the positive always defeats the negative. Its almost overwhelming how much God blesses us, and thinks everything through for us ahead of time. He came up with a solution to every problem, and He always does, even though we don't always notice. God always looks ahead with His plans, and His wish is for us to do the same. As we live here on earth our main purpose is to look forward, towards heaven; and most importantly, help others see the love of Christ so that they could get to heaven as well. We must look past all our troubles and look forward to what God has planned for us in the future. The only way to do that is to look to Christ, and direct those who don't know Christ yet to the right direction. Only then, Christ will direct us to heaven; A better place, where we will leave behind all our struggles and never have to worry about them again. To help you understand this from a different perspective, my friend stated a great observation. God teaches us to pray, "On earth as it is in heaven." God wants us to bring a little bit of heaven onto earth;  that is His love. His love is the only clear thing that we know about when it comes to heaven. It is the navigation that will take us there. When we accept Christ, His son, and help others accept him as well, we are experiencing a mere part of heaven on earth. And heaven, is our hope to leaving the unpleasant things on this earth behind. It is a place where there is no traffic, no crime, no trouble, and no mosquitoes.
 In Philippians there's an amazing verse that says, "For our citizenship is in heaven; from which also we look for the Savior, the Lord Jesus." When we look to Christ, heaven becomes real, and our struggles here on earth become temporary. So whenever you are having a bad day or something terrible happens, remember; this isn't forever. And soon, we will be in a place where we will never have a bad day ever again.